David Burt
I was born and raised on the Eastern Shore. My dad got me into fishing at an early age and for the past 20 plus years I’ve worked on an offshore charter boat and am a US Coast Guard licensed Captain. In 2008 I purchased my 1st kayak, a 2005 Hobie Outback Hank Parker edition […]
Missy Deneau
I’m an outdoor enthusiast who’s passionate about environmental and aqua marine preservation. I found my passion for fishing when my dad bought me my first fishing rod. The first time I used it, I launched it into the lake but thanks to Dad’s patience, I learned very well. I compete in bass tournaments across the […]
Jerry Yang
I was born and raised in California, but I spent 19 years of my adult life in North Carolina before eventually returning to California. My journey into kayak fishing began with inexpensive, no-frills kayaks that didn’t quite click with me. It all changed when I saw a couple of anglers gliding on Hobie Kayaks – […]
James Strawbridge
I was born in Albany, New York but now reside in Colorado. I’ve been bass fishing all my life and really enjoy teaching others the things I’ve learned over the years. Being part of the Hobie Team is a great honor. Kayaking is a great sport weather you like to fish or just go enjoy […]
Felipe Ortega
I grew up in northern New Mexico and southern Colorado, spending countless hours fishing the local water. I picked up a Hobie Sport in 2007, becoming one of the first to be fishing off a Hobie kayak in New Mexico. My primary fishing target has always been Rio Grande Cutthroat and Rainbow Trout with Pike […]
Sean Johnson
I’m a teacher, photographer and kayak tournament angler. I love to teach about my craft. I am a former athlete in college, so I love the concept of competing against one another. I have participated in varied tournaments around the world, and I love the camaraderie all the anglers have for one another. I grew […]
Jack Hickman
Flagrant Hobie PA14 fisherman enabled by Massey’s Professional Outfitters. Tournament menace. Love fishing, processing and consuming speckled trout gathered from marshes in Southeast Louisiana. Extremely active board member of Bayou Coast Kayak Fishing Club, writer and tackle/gear connoisseur. See you on the water!
Melody Renee Holmes
As a passionate kayak angler from Baltimore, MD, the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries are my playground. My kayak fishing journey began in 2021 when I was freshwater fishing and chasing after Snakeheads. I’ve since graduated to saltwater fishing, and the salty life has stolen my heart. I’m a multi-species angler and you can find […]
Dean Lokey
Born on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, fishing was something my Dad and I would do to enjoy nature and bond. After, many years fishing from our skiff, I saw a video that Kayak Kevin Whitley had on tube. This would mark the beginning of my kayak obsession. Touring, Camping, and Fishing from a kayak […]
Tommy Burgin
I was born and raised in Alice Texas, with Ben Bolt being the place I call home. I’m a passionate kayak angler and saltwater tournament competitor. With the nearest body of saltwater being one hour away, it put no hold on fulfilling my goals. From inshore to offshore, I strive to gain the utmost advantage […]